My kids are filthy. They are like little dirt balls with feet. I can’t tell you how hard it is sometimes to get stains out of the baseball uniforms. If your kids are anything like mine they slide for absolutely no reason at all. I send my kids to their games with clean uniforms and before the game even starts they have grass stains everywhere and have decided to dump red Gatorade all over their white pants. Who, by the way, decided that white pants should be a thing that kids should wear to play baseball games? I’m thinking brown pants or even green pants would be a much better option.
One time my son sat in green gum. I’m not even 100% sure how he did it because nobody on the team was chewing green gum. But add the gum to the grass stain and the post game I-Cee stain and I thought for sure that I would have to buy him a new uniform. I struggled with those stains and it took me a couple of washings, but ultimately I came out victorious
Maytag laundry
Filthiest Plays of the Week
Sometimes I like to play a game with the other parents to see which kid has the cleanest uniform. Of course they have no idea that I am playing this game in my own head and that I win every single week. I’m good at the laundry (except for my wife’s stuff that needs to be washed at seven different temperatures and on various speeds) but I hate it. Laundry is something that never ends. It’s like digging a hole to China. You can dig and dig and dig, but you know that you are never going to get there. You can do load upon load of laundry, but it’s never going to get done. Inevitably there is one pile that sits in the corner of your bedroom just taunting you.
Of course playing baseball was just one of many ways that my kids got filthy this summer. Among the others were:
- Wiffle Ball
- Kick ball
- Anything with a ball apparently
- Running in the yard. I swear I've never feet that black before.
- Building sandcastles at the beach
- Eating ices. Has there ever been a time where red ices didn't end up on your kids clothes?
- Pretty sure my kids could get dirty in a pool

I know my kids aren’t alone in the filth department. What about your kids? Share pictures of them on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #MyFilthiestPlay for a chance to win weekly prizes plus a trip to the World Series plus a Maytag Top Load Washer and Dryer pair. I could certainly use a new washer and this one seems like it could do the trick.