For the past six years they have meant everything to my two boys.
Now I don't know what will happen to them. My kids are growing up and they seem to moving on from something that has really become a part of our family.
They are part of our family |
Thousands upon thousands of little plastic bricks and hundreds upon hundreds of minifigures just sitting by waiting for their turn again. But will it come? The truth is my boys go through phases like I'm sure a lot of kids do and we as parents have fed their obsessions. Whether it's been Toy Story, Star Wars, or Cars my kids get so wrapped up in it, that that's all they ask for for Christmas or their birthdays. While some things have come and gone, one thing has remained constant... Legos.
You could always count on the boys to ask for them as gifts and I was always happy to oblige. But things are starting to change. Carter didn't ask for any sets for his birthday; he only wanted things that involved basketball or football. I don't know how much he actually liked playing with them from the start, they sort of frustrated him. But Tyler was different, he could sit for hours and pretend that these guys were his friends.
In many ways they have been.
Tyler's birthday is this weekend and he is turning nine(!?) and this is the first birthday since he started to ask for presents that he hasn't asked us for Legos. I knew that this day was coming, but I don't think I was fully prepared for it to arrive. I could always count on going to the store and picking up a few sets as presents, but now the Lego aisle is starting to be one that I skip, just like the ones that have all the Star Wars, Toy Story, and Cars toys in them.
His latest obsession is baseball and more specifically the New York Mets. While I am thrilled that he is able to find new things to love, especially something as fun as baseball is, I just wish he wouldn't move on from things from his past so soon.
If it is so easy for him to let go, why is it so hard for me?
John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?