All my bags are packed, and I am ready to go.
Off to the Nations Capital to meet with my fellow stay at homers. I honestly don't know what to think about it as I have never been to any conference in my life, let alone one about being a stay at home dad. I do know a few people that will be in attendance, but I hate these environments where I am basically flying solo. My wife is usually the more outgoing of the two of us so any big events like a wedding or a bar mitzvah, she is the one who strikes up any conversation. I'm THAT guy who is constantly making a beeline towards the open bar. By the end of the night I am a wasted mess and my wife is yelling at me for being a drunken fool. Good times really.
One day I'll get my own monument |
But little Johnny is on his own and this is different. Hopefully I can actually get something out of this, and not just a massive hangover. There are a few speakers that I am looking forward too, there's one about cooking ( I suck at it) and one about transitioning back INTO the work force. Let's face it, this is not a job that is going to last forever, and I am not so sure I want to completely go back to my old job. It was great, but I have seen the future, and am not so sure that it is something that I really want to do anymore.
This weekend will be a nice break for me. My wife has seen my demeanor change a little bit recently, I have been more apt to fly off the handle and yell more than I have ever used to. Lets face it, everyone needs a break from their job sometimes. Since mine is a 24/7 gig, I HAVE to get out of the house. Vacations aren't vacations, it just means my job continues somewhere else away from home. Imagine being in your office all hours of the day, every day of the year. You can go a little crazy. I am sure I am not alone in this.
And that is the most important thing to me this weekend.
It'll be nice being surrounded by a bunch of other people that know exactly what I am going through. Sometimes being a stay at home dad can be the most lonely job in the world and it's conferences like this that let me know
I AM NOT ALONE. So I don't know fully what to expect, but I hope there is a bar somewhere and that I won't be the only one walking back and forth to it.
To follow along with me at the conference on Twitter you can search the hashtag
#DiCinDC. It's not going to be just about what I am hearing or seeing at the conference, hopefully we'll have some surprise guests appear in that stream. I will obviously post my normal nonsense to
Facebook as well to keep you abreast of everything conference related.
John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?