What on Earth could I possibly have in common with A.J. Gill?

I guess a better question would be, who the hell is A. J. Gill? Well, if you are a huge American Idol fan, like myself, you would obviously know him as the eighth place finisher in the the shows inaugural season. Most people remember Kelly Clarkson belting out "A Moment Like This" as confetti rained down after she was declared the winner. What I take from that show is all the people that lost, mostly A.J. Gill.
Why would I care about him?
I am an eighth place finisher too.
I had aspirations like him to be the best. I never enter into anything that I don't think I can win. It's partially why I would never enter a marathon. I mean I could run my ass off and still finish a full day behind the winner. What's the point in that? So when I had the opportunity last year to audition for a new competition named
Blogger Idol, I jumped right in. How hard could it be? You write, get critiqued, you advance.
And that's what happened.
Only I didn't advance as far as I thought I would. I ran into a bunch of Kelly Clarksons and Justin Guarinis, hell maybe I was the Sanjaya Malakar of the competition and they only had me in it to make fun of me. Hmm.
I lost.
But that's not what I took out of the competition. It would have been nice to win, even though I still am not quite sure what the winner got, but I was OK with that. This dad with a bizarre obsession over Legos was clearly a storyteller. I never thought of myself as such before, but
Blogger Idol made me think otherwise.
If you want the chance to be the NEXT BLOGGER IDOL I urge you to
try out before Monday September 17th at Midnight. What have you got to lose? Yours truly will be a
judge in the competition; I guess it pays to come in eighth place sometimes. You can follow Blogger Idol on
Facebook or
Twitter for more information.
Hopefully A.J. Gill is plugging along somewhere out there, because I'm not stopping what I do anytime soon.
John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?