August 24, 2012

My Penis Tickles

One of the great joys as a parent is seeing and hearing your kids reactions to things. You never quite know what the reaction will be when you do something new. There are times that my kids have absolutely hated certain things and others where they have loved it so much that they want to do it over and over again. Such is the case with the Buccaneer.  If you are not familiar with this ride, it's a pirate ship that rocks back and forth giving you the sense that you are floating.  It goes by many names all across the country.  My boys absolutely love this ride, and I am happy to take them on it, because let's face it who wants to go on the spinning rides?  I love this ride just for their reaction alone.

I mean seriously, who doesn't love that feeling?

John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?

