I never thought I would actually admit it, but roller coasters just might not be my thing anymore. I can still ride all of the wooden ones, which for my money have always been the best, but the ones that flip upside down and do those crazy corkscrews, I think my days are numbered.

There are lots of rides that I can't go on anymore and it seems that those are the ones that the kids enjoy the most. The number one ride that is no longer doable for me is the Tea Cups. I can't think of a more horrible experience on a ride; you spin and spin and spin to the point of wanting to throw up. Where is the joy in that? The number two ride is any little kids roller coaster. The seats seem to be positioned right in the area of your back that causes the most pain. I have never been in as much pain getting off a ride than I was getting off a ride called Roadrunners Runaway Railroad. Seriously.

I know I am not alone in this. There are countless people my age that have thrown up on the Tea Cups and ended up in traction after getting off a kids roller coaster. I don't mind that so much because my kids will outgrow those rides.
It's the big metal roller coasters that bother me though. My kids are just getting to the age where these rides are what excites them when they go to an amusement park. They don't excite me at all. They make me nauseous and I get the feeling of almost blacking out.
I knew this day would come, I just never thought that it would come this soon. I see my dad and he can't go on certain rides anymore, but he is 75. I'm only 38 and the thought of a full lifetime ahead of me without roller coasters kind of stinks. I just hope it never gets to the point where the wooden ones are off limits for me.

I guess if you need to find me at the amusement park I'll be that guy riding a scooter around going from the Ferris Wheel to the Merry Go Round. Those I can still do.