The goal of most bloggers is to get their stories out to as many people as possible. We join hundreds of social media sites and share our posts all over the internet in hopes that everyone in the world reads them, and then it turns into a book, a movie, or maybe even an iPhone app. The thought that what I say could be read in places like Romania or Bangalore is pretty cool. Up until recently we thought everyone was getting our message, but apparently they were not.
To give you an idea, if I wanted to reach my entire Facebook audience of 1282 people and various other pages instead of the around 17% of them that I currently reach, I would have to fork over around $6.00 per post to "promote"it. It may not seem like much but when you make no money blogging, that's a lot. I have a feeling that one day we'll be looking back on Facebook the same way we did with MySpace. When the next big thing comes around people will go there. In the meantime I will continue to post on Facebook, but most of my time will spent on Twitter, where at least for now, I don't have to pay to post to people.