June 1, 2012

Facebook... Starring Lego Mark Zuckerberg

The goal of most bloggers is to get their stories out to as many people as possible. We join hundreds of social media sites and share our posts all over the internet in hopes that everyone in the world reads them, and then it turns into a book, a movie, or maybe even an iPhone app. The thought that what I say could be read in places like Romania or Bangalore is pretty cool. Up until recently we thought everyone was getting our message, but apparently they were not.

To give you an idea, if I wanted to reach my entire Facebook audience of 1282 people and various other pages instead of the around 17% of them that I currently reach, I would have to fork over around $6.00 per post to "promote"it.  It may not seem like much but when you make no money blogging, that's a lot.  I have a feeling that one day we'll be looking back on Facebook the same way we did with MySpace. When the next big thing comes around people will go there. In the meantime I will continue to post on Facebook, but most of my time will spent on Twitter, where at least for now, I don't have to pay to post to people.

John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?



  1. Glad to reach you... Your check is in the mail.

  2. My favorite part is when Lego MZ gets his head knocked off. 

    I hope this post goes viral.

    I'm thinking this might be the moment Google+ was hoping for.

  3. Viral? As in 200 people view instead of 175?

  4. I don't really understand, what are you paying for?  I don't get this world wide innerwebs thingee anyway. Why are they charging you?

  5. Right now we only reach a percentage of our audience, a percentage that Facebook deems engaged.  To up that percentage we can pay money to increase our reach.

  6. I have you on a list...

  7. What list is that?

  8. I hate this new thing. Good stuff should be able to rise to the top. The democratization of social media and all that...

    For what it's worth (and it's not worth much), I saw a link to this post on Facebook, not on Twitter. Maybe we just all need to do a better job sharing stuff on Facebook, like we RT on Twitter.

  9. I wish when someone shared it on Facebook the ywould tag me. I can easily see a RT or a via on Twitter but not so much on FB. Makes it difficult to thank people.

  10. Starring Lego Mark Zuckerberg.... :) 

  11. I agree that sucks.  You can manually tag someone when you share a post but it doesn't do it automatically and lots of people don't know how to tag on facebook. 

  12. Wait, MySpace is out of vogue. Next thing you'll tell me Friendster and Prodigy are out of date? Yep, RIP Facebook. I'm not paying.

  13. Pretty sure you can still get a compuserve account

  14. Dude this was fkn hilarious!!! I don't know if I'm tagging it properly, but it's def. going on FB!!! Holy crap... can't stop laughing...

  15. I am not a fan of FaKebook and never will be. I am glad to be a follower of yours and glad that you reach people. You shouldnt have to pay to be able to spread your great words....I say Zuck the Phuckerburg

  16. Dude. You just punched Zuckerberg's head off! 

    Also, you say there are other places... so what are they? (I agree with you that Facebook will fade just like MySpace, but just curious)

