May 29, 2012

Too Young to Die

I can barely walk.

The pain in my hip is excruciating.  I don't know how my kids do it, but by the time one of their viruses gets to me it has exploded into some flesh eating super virus.  Just this past weekend Tyler came down with what we assume was synovitis.  He had a noticeable limp and complained that his hip was hurting.  This has happened before to both of my boys and since we had no idea what it was at first, a trip to the ER was in order.  This time though knowing that it was most likely synovitis and it would pass, no trip was necessary.

Secretly plotting my death?
It seems like every time these kids come down with something, I bear the brunt of it.  When they complain that their belly aches and they are not feeling well I know for sure that I will be doubled over in pain and puking my guts out with in a matter of days.  I know the whole story about men being babies when it comes to this sort of thing, but trust me, I can deal with a lot. I am never sick, but when I am, I am *this close* to my deathbed, and I am not one to complain about. I suck it up and deal with it.

I am certainly not a doctor, so I have no idea how this happens.  I would think that 38 years of various illnesses would leave me immune to what the kids bring home nowadays.  But it seems that what goes around their school, comes around to me. Maybe viruses have become much more complicated, much like Tyler's second grade math homework. I can't always figure that out, so this is something that I definitely can't comprehend.

What I do know is that by the time this pain in my hip reaches its peak, I will probably need a wheelchair.

Tyler is better now, thankfully the pain lasted only a day.  But that is no consolation for me as I know this will most likely be a weeklong struggle. Next time they come home with even a hint of a sniffle, I'm heading out of town.

I am too young to die.

How do you end up after your kids are sick?

John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?



  1. The Munchkin has a runny nose and a bit of a cough at the moment, she's coping with it really well. I on the other hand appear to have contracted a different strain of her cold that renders me unable to stand up for more than 10 minutes, unable to sleep for more than an hour without waking in a cold sweat and, well, suffice to say you don't want to know where I'm sat whilst typing this comment (sorry)!

  2. Glad to know that I am not the only one. Or sorry to hear that i am not the only one, either way.

  3. I'm pretty good at avoiding the "pass it on" game but I'm the same as you, when I get it, I GET it! The other thing I notice about when the kids are both sick, is that we are much more irritable and exhausted, lol. We parent our children all the time but it`s like double time when both kids are sick at the same time. Good luck with your hip!

  4. The kids are going to have to get their own food and drinks for the next few days

  5. I've never heard of this ailment of which you speak. Are you sure you're not faking it? Man Cold, on the other hand, is very real and should not be taken lightly. (Thanks for the link, friend.) Feel better.

  6. Maybe it's just called hip pain, but I am trying to be fancy.

  7. You know, I never get what the kids get.  Nope.  The kids can get snot everywhere and sneeze on my food, and I can be left cleaning up puke at 2 am but I will not catch it.

    Instead, I will get some weird bacteria that no one's ever heard of from a teeny paper cut.  And since I am also too young to die.... I have to suck it up "buttercup".

  8. I usually manage to avoid the cooties as I've taught pre-k for 13 years and have built an immunity to kid germs. I usually end up with a cold that eventually turns in to a nasty respiratory infection/bronchitis/pneumonia that takes months to fully recover from. TMI? Yeah that'd be me.

  9. I guess it's always something... You weight be immune to something but there is always another illness just lurking waiting to pounce

  10. It's the hiidden things that do the most damage... One time we had a party and a kid who was just about to come down with a stomach virus must given it to me. Well it festered into something crazy. Se if anyone plays with m Legos anymore.

  11. Fancy.  Ha ha.  That's what I was thinking when I read that part.  Wow.  I didn't know it was called that.  That's fancy.  I'm going too use that.

  12. In order for any germ or virus or bacteria to infect a man it has to really step up its game.  Luckily, for the non-man part of the human race, the man-strains of these illnesses cannot be passed on to them or, to put it quite simply, they would die.

  13. Well it is transient synovitis?.. The inflammation of the sinovial membrane. It's most commonly in kids but I guess I am the rare exception. Unless of course I am really dying.

  14. This terrifies me. My son has only recently begun daycare and it seems like I catch some kind of cold twice a week. I've already gotten his stupid pink eye once. I am dreading the inevitable stomach bug - vomiting is the 10th circle of hell.

    This adds further fuel to my theory that parents are masochists:

    Nice post!

  15. When a virus or bug hits one of the kids, our house goes on high alert for about a week.  Our pediatrician, when the second one gets it, doesn't usually need to see her and just calls in medicine. My wife and I bath in Lysol and antiseptic...and we still usually get sick.

  16. At least you might smell airy fresh

  17. I didn't know what vomiting really was until I came down with something my boys had.

  18. Don't feel bad, a little girl I babysat got Hand, Foot & Mouth and barely displayed symptoms. I got it and couldn't walk. Hope you're back up to snuff soon.

  19. Prim coming around, but I think I just heard my son cough.

  20. I don't tend to get sick from the kids... I usually get sick from whatever new thing is being passed around in society. Which means (thanks a lot, jerk-face) I'm bound to get hit with this 
    synovitis of which you speak, since I've never heard of it. *grrr*

  21. I'm very lucky in that I rarely get sick when my kiddos do.  I guess I have a strong immune system!  Actually, I think my body just knows that I don't have time to be sick, and it works with me.  It knows that when mom goes down, the entire house falls apart...and we can't have that now, can we?  

