I must have missed the awards show.
The Perfect Parent? |
When did we decide that there is a perfect way to raise a child? They never handed me a manual at the hospital explaining to me that there was ONE way to do it. Actually there are a billion ways to do it. Just because something works for you does not mean that it is going to work for me. Conversely, if there is something that I do as a parent with my kids that works, it might not be the best thing for you.
I am not going to go into your house to judge you as a parent and I would hope that you stay out of mine. I was not put on this planet to judge or be judged. I might have an opinion, but that doesn't mean what I think you are doing is wrong. If it works for you AWESOME.
I know how hard this parenting business can be. It's a struggle at times. The only thing that makes it harder is when people question what I do and go on with their self righteous nonsense. We get it. Your kid can walk and recite the alphabet before mine can even crawl, fantastic. Mine can do things that your kid can't, like throw a baseball or kick a soccer ball. Aren't kids great like that? Each can do something that the other can't and it's not because we as parents are perfect.
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Courtesy Time magazine |
There has been so much talk in the past couple of days about this Time magazine cover with the lady breastfeeding her three year old. Yeah it's a shocking cover. Why? Because it's something none of us get to see everyday. But we shouldn't be judging the woman for a decision that she is making as a parent, just like she shouldn't judge us if we don't choose to live her life style.
It works for her and for her kids and that's all that matters. If you chose to breastfeed your child that long, that is your business. We stopped at the age of one, and that's OUR business. If someone chose NOT to breastfeed their child for some reason that is THEIR business.
We need to stay out of each others way and just let us be the parents that our kids need us to be.
If they handed out an award for the perfect parent, we should all get one