This past Saturday we were fortunate to see Carter's Holiday show. Apparently they have been working on this at his school since October, so it's a pretty big deal. As any parent will attest, seeing your kid in any production is one that brings great pride. Who knows this could be the beginning of a career in show business. The biggest problem we faced that day was trying to get Carter to wear his "fancy" shirt, he is pretty particular about what clothes he wears, usually it's a pair of fleece pants and a T-shirt. He has never really given us too hard of a time about putting on a more dressy shirt as long as he is able to take it off as soon as he can. This day was different though as he would not go on stage with the shirt on. So our son, while everyone else was dress in their Sunday best, was performing in front of everybody dressed in sweats and a Buzz Lightyear T-shirt. So be it. At least he got on stage and actually performed, which is all that really matters in the first place right. As for the song he was going to sing, we had been trying to get that out of him for a few weeks. I'm pretty sure there is no song with such name, but he just kept saying Toilet Land. I hope you enjoy this weeks Wednesday's Window.
In case you couldn't tell he was the sharp dressed child on the left. Overall it was a solid effort by the little guy and the important part is HE SANG!