December 6, 2011

My Kids Have Hands!

I know its hard to believe, but my kids have hands.  It's amazing.  How do I know this? Well aside from the obvious ability of being able to hold a fork, their schools tell me so. I swear not a week goes by that I don't get some form of my sons hands pressed on paper disguising itself as art work.  Obviously the big one came not too long ago.

Yeah Mr. Hand Turkey made yet another appearance in my house this year.  I think this is going on seven years now with a total of 12 hand turkeys between the two boys.  This years turkey seems to be a little incomplete though, as it's missing a beak and that little red fleshy thingy.  No fear though I have a dozen of them to choose from surely there must be at least one that is anatomically  correct.

The Turkey is not alone!

It doesn't stop with the turkeys anymore.  We've seen hands celebrating Columbus Day, Arbor Day, Mother's Day, Veterans Day and obviously Cinco de Mayo.

I used to get all excited about these sort of projects.  I mean, it's your sons hand print, what could be more special than that.  Then they started coming home with them all the time, and a cute little project had now turned into some teachers obsession.  I can see them at home or their little school conferences thinking up the next great holiday to immortalize in a painted hand.  It started with Thanksgiving and moved on to Christmas.

Then obviously Christmas with its dangling finger limbs soon became Valentines Day:

You would have thought they would at least be able to make a heart out of their hands.  I mean look at this, its just a hand print.  Let's get a little more creative than that.  So after Valentine's Day is obviously our spring flower.

Nothing cries spring more than a bunch of handprints at the end of a green stick. Looking at this now, I guess it could be a bouquet of roses for Valentine's Day, but I can't be sure.  Maybe it's for Mother's Day?  There are so many I can no longer keep track.  We got one last year I had never seen before, someone got really creative with this one:

Oh the Easter Bunny, you just couldn't be left out of this little hand print parade could you? See the hands are the EARS, how clever.

You get the idea.  THEY HAVE HANDS!!!

It never ends.  As soon as you think that you have seen them all, they come home with another one.  I can't wait to see how they do Hanukkah? I mean eight candles, ten fingers, something's gotta give right?  I just hope they don't chop off a few digits to make it possible.  That would leave us with a weird looking turkey next year.

John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?

