November 6, 2011

Zero to 50,049

Now admittedly I was hoping to capture a shot of the number 50,000, but it happened sometime in the early hours of Tuesday morning. What does this number mean? I will tell you, that's how many times a page has been viewed on this very site. Over 50,000 times someone has made the effort to click to a page on my site, and for that I am extremely grateful.

When I started out in January I had no idea if anyone would ever look at anything I had to say. I had two fans, my sister in law and my niece. Heck my wife wasn't even reading and the page views were trickling in... Slowly.

Sometime in February I posted a review of the latest Disney Cruise Line ship, The Dream. All of a sudden my page views were going from 20 a day to close to 500. I had finally been discovered.  But not quite the way that I wanted.

We thank you!
But as time went on less and less Disney people were visiting my site, and more and more were coming to find out the latest shenanigans with my kids, and my silly lego movies.  I was finally developing an audience and I was no longer in the cruise travel business. Don't get me wrong I still get visits on those reviews that I did on a daily basis, but I never went into blogging with the idea that I was going to become an expert on cruises. At one point I was higher ranked on Google than Disney themselves. Crazy to think huh?

But I am just a dad with two kids and not Rick Steves or Arthur Frommer, my kids are my muse, not travel. Although I have thought of branching out a little bit.  There might just be a blog coming out based on traveling with kids, something we have EXTENSIVE experience with.

It's amazing how much this little blog has grown in the past ten months.  It's been more than just words on a computer screen.  We have grown together... Me, my kids, and you the audience.  The three of us is what this is all about.  Without any one us, Daddy's in Charge? does not exist.  

You don't know what it means to me that you would take the time out of your day to stop by and see what a little old dad from New Jersey has to say.  It means a lot to me. 

Zero to 50,049... and beyond!

Please take a moment to let me know where you are coming from.  You guys know me all too well and I would love to get to know you guys just a little bit better.  Maybe I can buy you a beer?  We can all sit down and I can thank you personally, each and every single one of you.

John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?

