October 3, 2011

Upside Down Sandwiches?

Why does an upside down sandwich taste so much different? 

I mean, we always put the condiments and what not on TOP. If you flip it over and eat it with the mayo on the bottom, it just doesn't seem like the same sandwich right? Would you ever put a piece of lettuce and tomato underneath your deli meat?  Some people might, I don't. 

Why do we do that? 

Two all beef patties...
It's the same thing with the way we eat hamburgers, the big part of the bun is ALWAYS on top. Would you ever consider turning it upside down and have the more puffy part of the bun on the bottom? I for one, would look at someone like they were crazy. Imagine biting through a pickle and ketchup with your bottom teeth first. You might as well be eating a hot dog, it's just not the same thing. 

I always eat my sandwich the same way, obviously with mayo, cheese, and whatever else on the top, but I actually eat it the same way every time. I start with the crust and eat around in a circle until all the crust is gone, then I finish the rest. Never once have I just eaten straight through and had my last bite be a piece of the crust. 

I have nothing against crust in general. I just can't have it be the last thing that I remember about my sandwich. 

Apple is my favorite
It always amazes me how when you do something one way your entire life, it's really hard to break that pattern. I eat pie the same way every time, which strangely means I eat the crust LAST, I always save a couple of fries until after my burger, and always eat the tops of a muffin last. Everything just tastes better that way, and I have no idea why. 

I assume I am not alone in this. At least I hope I am not anyway.

As for my kids developing these sort of behaviors?  Well, the next time the actually eat their food I will let you know.

John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?

