September 22, 2011

Baby's First Words... Starring Lego Chuck Norris

John P. is a pretty hip dad
I have a friend name John Pseudonymous who writes a fantastic blog called Twinfamy.  He's a fellow stay at home dad who lives in Arizona.  He recently shared a story about how his son said his first words.  Now as a parent  you listen to your child's every utterance in hopes that at least something makes sense.  Every dad roots for the kid to say "Dada" while the moms all hope they say "mama."  Even when you think they said something you are still a little bit puzzled as to what they actually said.  You are left scratching your head wondering if you heard your child correctly.  Did he just say dada? Anyway John tells a funny story about a shirt that he was wearing at the time his son said dada.  Turns out out it was a Chuck Norris shirt which left him wondering if his son was reacting to the shirt or to him.  It's funny, I have a similar story about when my oldest said his first words.

Maybe I can't remember all of the details exactly, but I know that it happened something like this.  Do you remember when your kids said their first words?  What was it?

John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?



  1. hahaha that is officially the best video yet! Chuck Norris rules!!! Great post dude.

  2. I wonder what Chuck Norris' kids first word were? Certainly it couldn't have been mama.

  3. Thanks again for featuring us, John! I feel very privileged to be starring alongside The Man Himself.

    I think maybe his kids' first words were "awesome" or possibly even "Dada" actually, but just at one week old.

  4. Damn man, you keep hitting home runs with these videos. ANother good one. Chuck Norris' first words were actually "Im Walker...Texas Ranger"

  5. It's not quite freshly pressed but freshly legoed is right up there! You don't think he spoke to the doctor right after he came out of the womb?

  6. Dude! That was awesome! I was choking on my omelet. I have to find LEGO Chuck Norris for my (sparse) action figure collection!

  7. Sadly Lego does not have Chuck Norris line of Legos... think of the possibilities though! I do believe that he is a combination on Ninjago, Star Wars, Indiana Jones all rolled into one... maybe even a pinch of Harry Potter.

  8. Wow! That was hilarious! I recently started going through your Lego videos! They are awesome! Keep them coming!

