It was another one of those momentous days that kind of kicks you in the pants. You expect that it is coming but you never really are prepared for how you are going to feel when it arrives. My big boy Tyler finally lost his first tooth.

As a Stay at Home Dad, I see my son more than most fathers and never really appreciate just what a big kid Tyler is becoming. Going through the daily minutia, I never sit back and think about him growing up. Sure he can read now, figure out video games that I would have no clue whats going on, and facetime mommy from my iphone, but all of those things came gradually. This whole tooth losing thing really hit me. It got me to thinking.
I have a hard time with the kids growing up. In the spring after the last of the snow melts I think about how its going to be another year before they can go sledding again. In the summertime its when the fireflies are no longer out and you don’t know if the next summer they will care about chasing them down. In the fall its when you go apple and pumpkin picking for that one day knowing its going to be a whole year before THAT happens again. Winter hits me hard, the same day Tyler lost his tooth was also the same day I took down the Christmas tree. No one ever wants that magic to end, and I can only think that there will be a little less excitement each and every year.

I created this blog to share with you my misadventures with my kids. Some posts will be more benign than others.. I only hope that you will enjoy watching my kids grow up as much as I do. Thanks for reading!
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